LocationBingham Farms, MI 48025 Phone(248) 846-8323

Insights From Your Trusted Landscaping Contractor

Proper Yard Care During Fall

Taking care of your landscape during the fall season is important to ensure that it stays healthy and looks its best. It would be wise to hire a landscaping contractor to help you with this. Here are some tips for taking care of your landscape during the fall season:

  1. Rake leaves: Raking leaves is a key part of fall landscaping. Not only does it keep your yard looking neat and tidy, but it also helps to prevent the buildup of leaves, which can smother grass and other plants. Be sure to remove leaves from your lawn, flower beds, and garden beds to keep them healthy.

  2. Prune plants: Fall is a good time to prune many plants, as it allows them to focus their energy on root growth rather than new growth. Be sure to prune any dead or damaged branches, as well as any overgrown plants.

  3. Fertilize lawns: Fertilizing your lawn in the fall helps to promote healthy growth and prevent winter damage. Look for a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for fall use and follow the instructions on the label for the best results.

  4. Plant bulbs: Fall is the perfect time to plant bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. Be sure to plant them at the appropriate depth and water them well to ensure that they have a good start.

  5. Protect plants from frost: As the temperatures start to drop, it’s important to protect your plants from frost. This could include covering them with blankets or plastic, or moving them indoors if they are particularly sensitive.

Overall, taking care of your landscape during the fall season requires a little bit of extra attention. By following these tips and working with a reputable landscaping contractor like JO Landscaping, you can ensure that your landscape stays healthy and looks its best throughout the fall and beyond. Our services are available in Bingham Farms, MI and you can reach us by calling us at (248) 846-8323!

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